Customisable benefit process

With options available for users to either process P11Ds, Payrolling of Benefits*, or both, KeyPay is equipped to cater for your specific needs. All the relevant forms and submission files can also be produced for employees and HMRC.

*In order to payroll benefits for 2021-22, users should have registered with HMRC before 6th April 2021

KeyPay P11Ds & Payrolling of benefits - Customisable benefit process
KeyPay P11Ds automated benefit calculations

Automated benefit calculations

No more manual calculations required. KeyPay automatically calculates the amount to be added to the employee’s taxable pay each period if the benefits are payrolled. Calculations can also be displayed for transparency.

Yearly time-savings

Users have the ability to apply some benefits to multiple employees at once, and can also carry forward the previous year’s employee benefits to the following year. Creating massive time savings and eliminating repetitive work.

P11Ds & Payrolling of benefits - Apply benefits to multiple employees and can carry forward benefits to the following year

Hear what customers have to say

The Focus Collection

The Focus Collection

"Payroll without KeyPay would be very manual and painful - it’s a massive change of workflow for us. We’re removing paper processes and human error from the situation completely."

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